I have spoken with the Old Man in the Cave and he has told me to invite you all to a Forbidden Cavern Fandango. From the depths of the Earth come some of the craziest sounds of R&B, rockabilly and garage madness -- and as an added bonus, you'll hear some of my favorite Japanese rock tunes.
Here's the playlist
(Background Music: Cyclone by The Fabulous Cyclones)
Bip Bop Bip by Barrence Whitfield & The Savages
Rockin' the Joint by Esquerita
Lizard Hunter by Gas Huffer
The Beam by The Screamin' Yeehaws
Scarum Harem by The Spook Lights
Heard It All Before by New Mystery Girl
(Background Music: Busy Body by The Jolly Green Giants)
Bulldog by King Coleman
Little Bad Wolf by The Tra-Velles
Satellite Baby by Skip Stanley
Tell Me What to Do by The Giant Robots
Visitation by Manby's Head
Sanbuca by The Bama Lamas
The Post Office Line by Dan Melchior & Das Menace
Love Blood Hound by K.C. Mojo Watson
(Background Music: Waltz of the Ratfinks by Mr Gasser & The Weirdos)
Go Ahead by The Amppez
Good Bye My Roller Girl by Mummy the Peepshow
Mink Oil by The Rodeo Carburetter
Guitar Date by The's
Alligator Night by Thee Michelle Gun Elephant
Samisen Boogie Woogie by Umekichi
(Background Music: Sukiyaki by Kyu Sakomoto)
The Amppez, Mummy the Peep Show and Umekichi are on the Benten label, home of great Japanese girl-punk
The Dan Melchior song is from the Free Music Archive and was recorded live on WFMU
Play this episode here: